Started Build: Thu Mar 13 12:50:59 UTC 2025 6 demos mode Docker Demo is one git repo is git repo full name is openemr.git git repo name is openemr git repo local path is /home/openemr/git/openemr git branch is master sdt option is 0 udt option is 1 sp option is 0 lp option is 0 dd option is 0 ds option is 0 wp option is 1 external link is mariadb p is hey github repo branch/tag is branch ddu option is 0 funStuff option is 2 passReset option is 0 useCapsule option is 0 Demo description: Public OpenEMR Development Demo on Alpine 3.20 (with PHP 8.3)one_a Downloading the OpenEMR git repository Copy git OpenEMR to web directory Configuring OpenEMR Configuring Zend file permission: application.config.php Number of github api requests remaining is 5000 Using composer github api token Installing dependencies from lock file Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform. Package operations: 163 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals - Downloading php-http/discovery (1.20.0) - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.31.0) - Downloading symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0) - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0) - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0) - Downloading symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0) - Downloading symfony/string (v6.4.15) - Downloading symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1) - Downloading symfony/inflector (v5.4.47) - Downloading symfony/property-access (v4.4.44) - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.31.0) - Downloading symfony/http-foundation (v6.4.16) - Downloading psr/http-message (1.1) - Downloading php-http/message-factory (1.1.0) - Downloading clue/stream-filter (v1.7.0) - Downloading php-http/message (1.16.2) - Downloading psr/http-client (1.0.3) - Downloading php-http/promise (1.3.1) - Downloading php-http/httplug (2.4.1) - Downloading ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3) - Downloading psr/http-factory (1.1.0) - Downloading guzzlehttp/psr7 (2.7.0) - Downloading guzzlehttp/promises (2.0.4) - Downloading guzzlehttp/guzzle (7.9.2) - Downloading php-http/guzzle7-adapter (1.1.0) - Downloading psr/container (1.1.2) - Downloading symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1) - Downloading symfony/http-client-contracts (v3.5.2) - Downloading psr/log (3.0.2) - Downloading symfony/http-client (v6.4.16) - Downloading moneyphp/money (v3.3.3) - Downloading omnipay/common (v3.3.0) - Downloading academe/authorizenet-objects (0.7.3) - Downloading academe/omnipay-authorizenetapi (3.1.2) - Downloading adodb/adodb-php (v5.22.7) - Downloading aranyasen/hl7 (3.1.7) - Downloading dasprid/enum (1.0.6) - Downloading bacon/bacon-qr-code (v3.0.1) - Downloading nikic/php-parser (v5.4.0) - Downloading brick/varexporter (0.5.0) - Downloading paragonie/random_compat (v9.99.100) - Downloading defuse/php-encryption (v2.4.0) - Downloading digitickets/lalit (3.4.0) - Downloading masterminds/html5 (2.9.0) - Downloading sabberworm/php-css-parser (v8.7.0) - Downloading dompdf/php-svg-lib (1.0.0) - Downloading dompdf/php-font-lib (1.0.1) - Downloading dompdf/dompdf (v3.0.1) - Downloading ezyang/htmlpurifier (v4.18.0) - Downloading paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v3.0.0) - Downloading phpseclib/phpseclib (3.0.43) - Downloading monolog/monolog (3.8.1) - Downloading psr/cache (3.0.0) - Downloading firebase/php-jwt (v6.11.0) - Downloading google/auth (v1.46.0) - Downloading google/apiclient-services (v0.394.0) - Downloading google/apiclient (v2.18.2) - Downloading html2text/html2text (4.3.2) - Downloading kamermans/guzzle-oauth2-subscriber (v1.1.0) - Downloading symfony/process (v6.4.15) - Downloading knplabs/knp-snappy (v1.5.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-stdlib (3.20.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-config (3.10.1) - Downloading laminas/laminas-db (2.20.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-servicemanager (3.23.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-validator (2.64.2) - Downloading laminas/laminas-filter (2.39.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-inputfilter (2.31.0) - Downloading webmozart/assert (1.11.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-hydrator (4.16.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-form (3.21.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-code (4.16.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-server (2.18.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-json (3.7.1) - Downloading laminas/laminas-escaper (2.15.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-uri (2.13.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-loader (2.11.1) - Downloading laminas/laminas-http (2.21.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-json-server (3.9.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-eventmanager (3.14.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-view (2.36.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-router (3.14.0) - Downloading webimpress/safe-writer (2.2.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-modulemanager (2.17.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-mvc (3.8.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-translator (1.1.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-i18n (2.29.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-mvc-i18n (1.9.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-soap (2.14.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-xml (1.7.0) - Downloading laminas/laminas-math (3.8.1) - Downloading laminas/laminas-xmlrpc (2.20.0) - Downloading psr/clock (1.0.0) - Downloading stella-maris/clock (0.1.7) - Downloading lcobucci/clock (2.3.0) - Downloading league/csv (9.8.0) - Downloading league/event (2.2.0) - Downloading league/uri-interfaces (2.3.0) - Downloading league/uri (6.8.0) - Downloading psr/simple-cache (3.0.0) - Downloading mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib (4.8.09) - Downloading setasign/fpdi (v2.6.3) - Downloading myclabs/deep-copy (1.13.0) - Downloading mpdf/psr-log-aware-trait (v3.0.0) - Downloading mpdf/psr-http-message-shim (1.0.0) - Downloading mpdf/mpdf (v8.2.5) - Downloading nyholm/psr7 (1.8.2) - Downloading nyholm/psr7-server (1.1.0) - Downloading omnipay/stripe (v3.2.0) - Downloading openemr/mustache (v2.15.2) - Downloading particle/validator (v2.3.5) - Downloading pear/pear_exception (v1.0.2) - Downloading pear/console_getopt (v1.4.3) - Downloading pear/pear-core-minimal (v1.10.16) - Downloading pear/archive_tar (1.5.0) - Downloading php81_bc/strftime (0.7.6) - Downloading phpmailer/phpmailer (v6.9.3) - Downloading markbaker/matrix (3.0.1) - Downloading markbaker/complex (3.0.2) - Downloading maennchen/zipstream-php (3.1.1) - Downloading composer/pcre (3.3.2) - Downloading phpoffice/phpspreadsheet (3.9.0) - Downloading ramsey/collection (2.0.0) - Downloading brick/math (0.12.1) - Downloading ramsey/uuid (4.7.6) - Downloading ratchet/rfc6455 (v0.3.1) - Downloading react/promise (v3.2.0) - Downloading react/cache (v1.2.0) - Downloading react/event-loop (v1.5.0) - Downloading evenement/evenement (v3.0.2) - Downloading react/stream (v1.4.0) - Downloading react/dns (v1.13.0) - Downloading react/socket (v1.16.0) - Downloading psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0) - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v3.5.1) - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher (v6.4.13) - Downloading ratchet/pawl (v0.4.1) - Downloading rmccue/requests (v2.0.15) - Downloading pubnub/pubnub (6.3.0) - Downloading ringcentral/ringcentral-php (3.0.3) - Downloading robthree/twofactorauth (v2.1.0) - Downloading rospdf/pdf-php (0.12.67) - Downloading smarty/smarty (v4.5.5) - Downloading lcobucci/jwt (4.2.1) - Downloading league/oauth2-server (8.4.3) - Downloading steverhoades/oauth2-openid-connect-server (v2.6.1) - Downloading stripe/stripe-php (v15.10.0) - Downloading symfony/filesystem (v6.4.13) - Downloading symfony/config (v6.4.14) - Downloading symfony/console (v6.4.15) - Downloading symfony/var-exporter (v6.4.13) - Downloading symfony/dependency-injection (v6.4.16) - Downloading symfony/finder (v6.4.13) - Downloading symfony/yaml (v6.4.13) - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.31.0) - Downloading twig/twig (v3.19.0) - Downloading twilio/sdk (8.3.9) - Downloading phpoption/phpoption (1.9.3) - Downloading graham-campbell/result-type (v1.1.3) - Downloading vlucas/phpdotenv (v5.6.1) - Downloading waryway/php-traits-library (1.0.4) - Downloading yubico/u2flib-server (1.0.2) 0/162 [>---------------------------] 0% 21/162 [===>------------------------] 12% 34/162 [=====>----------------------] 20% 50/162 [========>-------------------] 30% 67/162 [===========>----------------] 41% 85/162 [==============>-------------] 52% 99/162 [=================>----------] 61% 114/162 [===================>--------] 70% 135/162 [=======================>----] 83% 147/162 [=========================>--] 90% 162/162 [============================] 100% - Installing php-http/discovery (1.20.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/string (v6.4.15): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/inflector (v5.4.47): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/property-access (v4.4.44): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v6.4.16): Extracting archive - Installing psr/http-message (1.1): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/message-factory (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing clue/stream-filter (v1.7.0): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/message (1.16.2): Extracting archive - Installing psr/http-client (1.0.3): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/promise (1.3.1): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/httplug (2.4.1): Extracting archive - Installing ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3): Extracting archive - Installing psr/http-factory (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (2.7.0): Extracting archive - Installing guzzlehttp/promises (2.0.4): Extracting archive - Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (7.9.2): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/guzzle7-adapter (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/container (1.1.2): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/http-client-contracts (v3.5.2): Extracting archive - Installing psr/log (3.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/http-client (v6.4.16): Extracting archive - Installing moneyphp/money (v3.3.3): Extracting archive - Installing omnipay/common (v3.3.0): Extracting archive - Installing academe/authorizenet-objects (0.7.3): Extracting archive - Installing academe/omnipay-authorizenetapi (3.1.2): Extracting archive - Installing adodb/adodb-php (v5.22.7): Extracting archive - Installing aranyasen/hl7 (3.1.7): Extracting archive - Installing dasprid/enum (1.0.6): Extracting archive - Installing bacon/bacon-qr-code (v3.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing nikic/php-parser (v5.4.0): Extracting archive - Installing brick/varexporter (0.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing paragonie/random_compat (v9.99.100): Extracting archive - Installing defuse/php-encryption (v2.4.0): Extracting archive - Installing digitickets/lalit (3.4.0): Extracting archive - Installing masterminds/html5 (2.9.0): Extracting archive - Installing sabberworm/php-css-parser (v8.7.0): Extracting archive - Installing dompdf/php-svg-lib (1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing dompdf/php-font-lib (1.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing dompdf/dompdf (v3.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing ezyang/htmlpurifier (v4.18.0): Extracting archive - Installing paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v3.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing phpseclib/phpseclib (3.0.43): Extracting archive - Installing monolog/monolog (3.8.1): Extracting archive - Installing psr/cache (3.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing firebase/php-jwt (v6.11.0): Extracting archive - Installing google/auth (v1.46.0): Extracting archive - Installing google/apiclient-services (v0.394.0): Extracting archive - Installing google/apiclient (v2.18.2): Extracting archive - Installing html2text/html2text (4.3.2): Extracting archive - Installing kamermans/guzzle-oauth2-subscriber (v1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/process (v6.4.15): Extracting archive - Installing knplabs/knp-snappy (v1.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-stdlib (3.20.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-config (3.10.1): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-db (2.20.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-servicemanager (3.23.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-validator (2.64.2): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-filter (2.39.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-inputfilter (2.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing webmozart/assert (1.11.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-hydrator (4.16.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-form (3.21.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-code (4.16.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-server (2.18.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-json (3.7.1): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-escaper (2.15.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-uri (2.13.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-loader (2.11.1): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-http (2.21.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-json-server (3.9.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-eventmanager (3.14.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-view (2.36.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-router (3.14.0): Extracting archive - Installing webimpress/safe-writer (2.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-modulemanager (2.17.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-mvc (3.8.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-translator (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-i18n (2.29.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-mvc-i18n (1.9.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-soap (2.14.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-xml (1.7.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-math (3.8.1): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-xmlrpc (2.20.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/clock (1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing stella-maris/clock (0.1.7): Extracting archive - Installing lcobucci/clock (2.3.0): Extracting archive - Installing league/csv (9.8.0): Extracting archive - Installing league/event (2.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing league/omnipay (v3.2.1) - Installing league/uri-interfaces (2.3.0): Extracting archive - Installing league/uri (6.8.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/simple-cache (3.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib (4.8.09): Extracting archive - Installing setasign/fpdi (v2.6.3): Extracting archive - Installing myclabs/deep-copy (1.13.0): Extracting archive - Installing mpdf/psr-log-aware-trait (v3.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing mpdf/psr-http-message-shim (1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing mpdf/mpdf (v8.2.5): Extracting archive - Installing nyholm/psr7 (1.8.2): Extracting archive - Installing nyholm/psr7-server (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing omnipay/stripe (v3.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing openemr/mustache (v2.15.2): Extracting archive - Installing particle/validator (v2.3.5): Extracting archive - Installing pear/pear_exception (v1.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing pear/console_getopt (v1.4.3): Extracting archive - Installing pear/pear-core-minimal (v1.10.16): Extracting archive - Installing pear/archive_tar (1.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing php81_bc/strftime (0.7.6): Extracting archive - Installing phpmailer/phpmailer (v6.9.3): Extracting archive - Installing markbaker/matrix (3.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing markbaker/complex (3.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing maennchen/zipstream-php (3.1.1): Extracting archive - Installing composer/pcre (3.3.2): Extracting archive - Installing phpoffice/phpspreadsheet (3.9.0): Extracting archive - Installing ramsey/collection (2.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing brick/math (0.12.1): Extracting archive - Installing ramsey/uuid (4.7.6): Extracting archive - Installing ratchet/rfc6455 (v0.3.1): Extracting archive - Installing react/promise (v3.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing react/cache (v1.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing react/event-loop (v1.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing evenement/evenement (v3.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing react/stream (v1.4.0): Extracting archive - Installing react/dns (v1.13.0): Extracting archive - Installing react/socket (v1.16.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing ratchet/pawl (v0.4.1): Extracting archive - Installing rmccue/requests (v2.0.15): Extracting archive - Installing pubnub/pubnub (6.3.0): Extracting archive - Installing ringcentral/ringcentral-php (3.0.3): Extracting archive - Installing robthree/twofactorauth (v2.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing rospdf/pdf-php (0.12.67): Extracting archive - Installing smarty/smarty (v4.5.5): Extracting archive - Installing lcobucci/jwt (4.2.1): Extracting archive - Installing league/oauth2-server (8.4.3): Extracting archive - Installing steverhoades/oauth2-openid-connect-server (v2.6.1): Extracting archive - Installing stripe/stripe-php (v15.10.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/filesystem (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/config (v6.4.14): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/console (v6.4.15): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/var-exporter (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/dependency-injection (v6.4.16): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/finder (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/yaml (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing twig/twig (v3.19.0): Extracting archive - Installing twilio/sdk (8.3.9): Extracting archive - Installing phpoption/phpoption (1.9.3): Extracting archive - Installing graham-campbell/result-type (v1.1.3): Extracting archive - Installing vlucas/phpdotenv (v5.6.1): Extracting archive - Installing waryway/php-traits-library (1.0.4): Extracting archive - Installing yubico/u2flib-server (1.0.2): Extracting archive 0/161 [>---------------------------] 0% 20/161 [===>------------------------] 12% 40/161 [======>---------------------] 24% 56/161 [=========>------------------] 34% 72/161 [============>---------------] 44% 81/161 [==============>-------------] 50% 99/161 [=================>----------] 61% 113/161 [===================>--------] 70% 129/161 [======================>-----] 80% 146/161 [=========================>--] 90% 160/161 [===========================>] 99% 161/161 [============================] 100% Package laminas/laminas-config is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Package laminas/laminas-json is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Package laminas/laminas-loader is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Package laminas/laminas-math is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Package php-http/message-factory is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use psr/http-factory instead. Package symfony/inflector is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use EnglishInflector from the String component instead. Package yubico/u2flib-server is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Generating autoload files 93 packages you are using are looking for funding. Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! npm warn deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see npm warn deprecated uid-number@0.0.6: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See npm warn deprecated source-map-resolve@0.6.0: See npm warn deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1: npm warn deprecated rimraf@3.0.2: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated npmlog@4.1.2: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated npm-cache-filename@1.0.2: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated fstream-ignore@1.0.5: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful. npm warn deprecated gauge@2.7.4: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated i18next-xhr-backend@3.2.2: replaced by i18next-http-backend npm warn deprecated fstream@1.0.12: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated are-we-there-yet@1.1.7: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated angular-sanitize@1.8.3: For the actively supported Angular, see AngularJS support has officially ended. For extended AngularJS support options, see npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated rimraf@2.7.1: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@8.1.0: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated rimraf@2.7.1: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated rimraf@2.7.1: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated i18next-xhr-backend@2.0.1: replaced by i18next-http-backend npm warn deprecated tar@2.2.2: This version of tar is no longer supported, and will not receive security updates. Please upgrade asap. npm warn deprecated angular@1.8.3: For the actively supported Angular, see AngularJS support has officially ended. For extended AngularJS support options, see npm warn deprecated popper.js@1.16.1: You can find the new Popper v2 at @popperjs/core, this package is dedicated to the legacy v1 > openemr-interface@0.2.0 postinstall > napa && gulp -i info download into bootstrap-rtl info download into jquery-creditcardvalidator info download into jquery-panelslider info download into jquery-ui info download into jquery-ui-themes info git into summernote-nugget info download into literallycanvas info download into react info download into lforms Copying OpenEMR dependencies using Gulp [12:52:09] Using gulpfile /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/gulpfile.js [12:52:09] Starting 'default'... [12:52:09] Starting 'install'... [OpenEMR] Running OpenEMR gulp install task... [OpenEMR] Finished running OpenEMR gulp install task [12:52:09] Finished 'install' after 179 ms [12:52:09] Finished 'default' after 183 ms added 1323 packages, and audited 1324 packages in 49s 189 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 30 vulnerabilities (19 moderate, 11 high) To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency. Run `npm audit` for details. > openemr-interface@0.2.0 build > gulp -b Building OpenEMR themes using Gulp [12:52:15] Using gulpfile /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/gulpfile.js [12:52:15] Starting 'default'... [12:52:15] Starting 'clean'... [12:52:15] Finished 'clean' after 11 ms [12:52:15] Starting 'ingest'... [12:52:15] Finished 'ingest' after 782 μs [12:52:15] Starting 'styles_style_color'... [12:52:15] Starting 'styles_style_color_compact'... [12:52:15] Starting 'styles_style_uni'... [12:52:15] Starting 'styles_style_uni_compact'... [12:52:15] Starting 'styles_style_tabs'... [12:52:15] Starting 'styles_style_misc'... [12:52:15] Starting 'styles_style_other'... [12:52:15] Starting 'rtl_style_color'... [12:52:15] Starting 'rtl_style_color_compact'... [12:52:15] Starting 'rtl_style_uni'... [12:52:15] Starting 'rtl_style_uni_compact'... [12:52:15] Starting 'rtl_style_tabs'... [12:52:15] Starting 'rtl_style_misc'... DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 23 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 24 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 24:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 23 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 24 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 24:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 41 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 45 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 51 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 51:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 41 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 45 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 51 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 51:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 43 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 43:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 47 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -24.2857142857%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "functions"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 8:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 9 │ @import "variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -24.2857142857%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 5 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -24.2857142857%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/functions"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 8:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -24.2857142857%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -15.9375%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -36.2559241706%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -15.9375%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -36.2559241706%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -36.2559241706%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -15.9375%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -36.2559241706%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.6421404682%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.6421404682%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.6421404682%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.6421404682%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 59.6989966555%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 59.6989966555%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 59.6989966555%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 59.6989966555%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 265 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 266 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 325 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 326 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 451 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 563 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 565 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 43 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 43:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 47 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 53 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 53:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 25 │ @import "directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_compact.scss 25:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "rtl"; │ ^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_compact.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 27 │ @import "directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_compact.scss 27:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 23 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -15.9375%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 2 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 2 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 453 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 24 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 24:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 24 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 24:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 11 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 16 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 16:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 11 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 16 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 16:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 13 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -37.5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "functions"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 8:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 9 │ @import "variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -37.5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 5 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -37.5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/functions"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 8:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -37.5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -81.3829787234%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -81.3829787234%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -81.3829787234%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -81.3829787234%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 30.6490384615%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 30.6490384615%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 30.6490384615%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 30.6490384615%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.9086538462%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.9086538462%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.9086538462%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.9086538462%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 415:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 441:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 470:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_modal.scss 46 │ transform: $modal-fade-transform; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_modal.scss 46:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 38:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 258 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 259 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 320 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 321 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 435 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 551 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 553 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 13 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 5 │ @import "../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 5:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 6 │ @import "../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 6:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 7 │ @import "../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 7:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 8:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 27 │ @import "directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_full.scss 27:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "rtl"; │ ^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_full.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 29 │ @import "directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_full.scss 29:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 29 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 29:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 34 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 30 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 30:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 35 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 415:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 26:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 441:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 26:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 470:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 26:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_modal.scss 46 │ transform: $modal-fade-transform; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_modal.scss 46:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 38:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_modal-rtl.scss 46 │ transform: $modal-fade-transform; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_modal-rtl.scss 46:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 40:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 437 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 415 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 4 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 4:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 15 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 6 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 6:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 4 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 4:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 15 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 265 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 266 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 451 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 6 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 6:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 23 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 8:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 13 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 7 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 7:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 12 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 453 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 41 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 42 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 42:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 39 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 40 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 40:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 55 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 55:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 56 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 56:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 39 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 40 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 40:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 55 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 55:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 60 │ $font-family-sans-serif: "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 60:208 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 98 │ $navbar-light-color: rgba($black, .4) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 98:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 99 │ $navbar-light-active-color: rgba($black, .7) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 99:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 60 │ $font-family-sans-serif: "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 60:208 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 98 │ $navbar-light-color: rgba($black, .4) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 98:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 99 │ $navbar-light-active-color: rgba($black, .7) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 99:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -4.226519337%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -3%) More info: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 60 │ $font-family-sans-serif: "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 60:208 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 98 │ $navbar-light-color: rgba($black, .4) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 98:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 99 │ $navbar-light-active-color: rgba($black, .7) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 99:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -4.226519337%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -3%) More info: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 5%) More info: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -4.226519337%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -3%) More info: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 5%) More info: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 5%) More info: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 45 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 45:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -56.3535911602%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -20%) More info: ╷ 45 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 45:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 45 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 45:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -56.3535911602%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -20%) More info: ╷ 45 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 45:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 47 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 47:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -56.3535911602%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -20%) More info: ╷ 47 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 47:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 288 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 289 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 481 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 41 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 42 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 42:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 57 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 57:9 root stylesheet [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR compact color themes [12:54:05] Finished 'styles_style_color_compact' after 1.83 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling RTL compact color themes [12:54:05] Finished 'rtl_style_color_compact' after 1.83 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR color themes [12:54:05] Finished 'styles_style_color' after 1.83 min [OpenEMR] Compiled OpenEMR RTL color themes [12:54:05] Finished 'rtl_style_color' after 1.83 min DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 60 │ $font-family-sans-serif: "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 60:208 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 98 │ $navbar-light-color: rgba($black, .4) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 98:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 99 │ $navbar-light-active-color: rgba($black, .7) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 99:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -4.226519337%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -3%) More info: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 5%) More info: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 47 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 47:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -56.3535911602%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -20%) More info: ╷ 47 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 47:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 483 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. [OpenEMR] Finished compiling RTL tabs styles [12:54:11] Finished 'rtl_style_tabs' after 1.93 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR root other styles [12:54:12] Finished 'styles_style_other' after 1.93 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR tab navigation styles [12:54:12] Finished 'styles_style_tabs' after 1.93 min DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 9 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 9:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 13 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 8:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 12 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR compact base themes [12:54:12] Finished 'styles_style_uni_compact' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling RTL base compact themes [12:54:12] Finished 'rtl_style_uni_compact' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR base themes [12:54:12] Finished 'styles_style_uni' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling RTL base themes [12:54:12] Finished 'rtl_style_uni' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling miscellaneous styles [12:54:12] Finished 'styles_style_misc' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Compiled rest of RTL SCSS [12:54:12] Finished 'rtl_style_misc' after 1.95 min [12:54:12] Starting 'sync'... [OpenEMR] Running gulp sync task... [OpenEMR] Finished running gulp sync task [12:54:12] Finished 'sync' after 84 ms [12:54:12] Finished 'default' after 1.95 min added 348 packages, and audited 350 packages in 12s 38 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 17 vulnerabilities (3 low, 3 moderate, 8 high, 3 critical) To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency. Run `npm audit` for details. Changed current directory to /root/.composer ./composer.json has been created Running composer update phing/phing Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Lock file operations: 12 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals - Locking phing/phing (3.0.1) - Locking psr/container (2.0.2) - Locking sebastian/version (5.0.2) - Locking symfony/console (v7.2.1) - Locking symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1) - Locking symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1) - Locking symfony/string (v7.2.0) - Locking symfony/yaml (v7.2.3) Writing lock file Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Package operations: 12 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals - Downloading symfony/yaml (v7.2.3) - Downloading symfony/string (v7.2.0) - Downloading psr/container (2.0.2) - Downloading symfony/console (v7.2.1) - Downloading sebastian/version (5.0.2) - Downloading phing/phing (3.0.1) 0/6 [>---------------------------] 0% 6/6 [============================] 100% - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/yaml (v7.2.3): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/string (v7.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/container (2.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/console (v7.2.1): Extracting archive - Installing sebastian/version (5.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing phing/phing (3.0.1): Extracting archive 0/12 [>---------------------------] 0% 11/12 [=========================>--] 91% 12/12 [============================] 100% 28 package suggestions were added by new dependencies, use `composer suggest` to see details. Generating autoload files 11 packages you are using are looking for funding. Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! No security vulnerability advisories found. Using version ^3.0 for phing/phing Buildfile: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/build.xml OpenEMR > vendor-clean: [echo] Trying to clean up vendor dir OpenEMR > clean-vendor-dir: [delete] Deleting 30 files from /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/academe/authorizenet-objects/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/academe/authorizenet-objects/src/Response/.gitkeep [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/academe/authorizenet-objects/tests/.gitkeep [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/academe/omnipay-authorizenetapi/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/aranyasen/hl7/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/evenement/evenement/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/html2text/html2text/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/maennchen/zipstream-php/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/maennchen/zipstream-php/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/tmp/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/mpdf/psr-log-aware-trait/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/omnipay/stripe/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/openemr/mustache/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/particle/validator/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/pear/archive_tar/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/pear/archive_tar/tests/testblock2/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/pear/console_getopt/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/php81_bc/strftime/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/php81_bc/strftime/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/psr/container/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/psr/event-dispatcher/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/ratchet/pawl/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/ratchet/rfc6455/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/robthree/twofactorauth/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/changelog/.gitkeep [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/waryway/php-traits-library/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/.gitignore [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adldap2/adldap2/docs does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/adodb.gif [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/adodb2.gif [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/container-interop/container-interop/docs does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/test does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/maintenance does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/plugins does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/illuminate/support/Testing does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/knplabs/knp-snappy/doc/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/markbaker/complex/examples/complexTest.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/markbaker/complex/examples/testFunctions.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/markbaker/complex/examples/testOperations.php [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/docs does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/myclabs/deep-copy/doc does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/phenx/php-font-lib/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/phenx/php-svg-lib/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/docs does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/samples does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/phpunit/php-timer/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/phpunit/php-token-stream/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/phpunit/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects/tests does not exist or is not a directory. 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[delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/sebastian/comparator/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/sebastian/diff/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/sebastian/environment/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/sebastian/exporter/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/sebastian/global-state/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/sebastian/object-enumerator/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/sebastian/recursion-context/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/index.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/templates/header.tpl [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/templates/footer.tpl [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/templates/index.tpl [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/configs/test.conf [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.memcache.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/resource.mysqls.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.pdo.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.pdo_gzip.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.apc.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/resource.extendsall.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/resource.mysql.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.mysql.php [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/config/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/ApplicationTester.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/CommandTester.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/TesterTrait.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/Constraint/CommandIsSuccessful.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/CommandCompletionTester.php [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/debug/Resources/ext/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/debug/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/filesystem/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/process/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/translation/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/twig/twig/doc does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/twig/twig/test does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/examples/localstorage/index.phps [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/examples/cli/u2f-server.phps [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/examples/pdo/index.phps [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/examples/assets/u2f-api.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/tests/u2flib_test.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/tests/certs/yubico-u2f-ca-1.pem BUILD FINISHED Total time: 1.3298 seconds Buildfile: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/build.xml OpenEMR > assets-clean: [echo] Trying to clean up assets dir OpenEMR > clean-assets-dir: [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/flot/examples does not exist or is not a directory. 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/var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/it.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/da-dk.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/nl-be.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/pt-pt.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/no.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/de-ch.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/uk-ua.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/fr.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/lv.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/es.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/fr-ca.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/vi.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/hu.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/de.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/nl-nl.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/cs.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/tr.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/sk.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/th.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/es-es.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/en-au.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/en-gb.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/et.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/chs.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/bg.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/fr-ch.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/ru.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/pt-br.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/ja.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/sl.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/ru-ua.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/pl.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/fi.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/en-za.js BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.1749 seconds Changed current directory to /root/.composer ./composer.json has been updated Running composer update phing/phing Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Lock file operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 12 removals - Removing phing/phing (3.0.1) - Removing psr/container (2.0.2) - Removing sebastian/version (5.0.2) - Removing symfony/console (v7.2.1) - Removing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1) - Removing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1) - Removing symfony/string (v7.2.0) - Removing symfony/yaml (v7.2.3) Writing lock file Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Package operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 12 removals - Removing symfony/yaml (v7.2.3) - Removing symfony/string (v7.2.0) - Removing symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1) - Removing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1) - Removing symfony/console (v7.2.1) - Removing sebastian/version (5.0.2) - Removing psr/container (2.0.2) - Removing phing/phing (3.0.1) 0/2 [>---------------------------] 0% 2/2 [============================] 100% Generating autoload files No installed packages - skipping audit. Generating optimized autoload files Generated optimized autoload files containing 39098 classes Using online development translation set random theme is style_light.css Done configuring OpenEMR Setting up swagger api Setting up patient portals Done setting up patient portals Docker Demo is one_a git repo is git repo full name is openemr.git git repo name is openemr git repo local path is /home/openemr/git/openemr git branch is master sdt option is 0 udt option is 1 sp option is 0 lp option is 0 dd option is demo_5_0_0_5.sql ds option is 0 wp option is 1 external link is mariadb p is hey github repo branch/tag is branch ddu option is 5.0.0 funStuff option is 2 passReset option is 0 useCapsule option is 0 Demo description: Public OpenEMR Development Demo With Demo Data On Alpine 3.20 (with PHP 8.3) Downloading the OpenEMR git repository Copy git OpenEMR to web directory Configuring OpenEMR Configuring Zend file permission: application.config.php Number of github api requests remaining is 5000 Using composer github api token Installing dependencies from lock file Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform. Package operations: 163 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals 0 [>---------------------------] 0 [->--------------------------] - Installing php-http/discovery (1.20.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/string (v6.4.15): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/inflector (v5.4.47): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/property-access (v4.4.44): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v6.4.16): Extracting archive - Installing psr/http-message (1.1): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/message-factory (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing clue/stream-filter (v1.7.0): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/message (1.16.2): Extracting archive - Installing psr/http-client (1.0.3): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/promise (1.3.1): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/httplug (2.4.1): Extracting archive - Installing ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3): Extracting archive - Installing psr/http-factory (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (2.7.0): Extracting archive - Installing guzzlehttp/promises (2.0.4): Extracting archive - Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (7.9.2): Extracting archive - Installing php-http/guzzle7-adapter (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/container (1.1.2): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/http-client-contracts (v3.5.2): Extracting archive - Installing psr/log (3.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/http-client (v6.4.16): Extracting archive - Installing moneyphp/money (v3.3.3): Extracting archive - Installing omnipay/common (v3.3.0): Extracting archive - Installing academe/authorizenet-objects (0.7.3): Extracting archive - Installing academe/omnipay-authorizenetapi (3.1.2): Extracting archive - Installing adodb/adodb-php (v5.22.7): Extracting archive - Installing aranyasen/hl7 (3.1.7): Extracting archive - Installing dasprid/enum (1.0.6): Extracting archive - Installing bacon/bacon-qr-code (v3.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing nikic/php-parser (v5.4.0): Extracting archive - Installing brick/varexporter (0.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing paragonie/random_compat (v9.99.100): Extracting archive - Installing defuse/php-encryption (v2.4.0): Extracting archive - Installing digitickets/lalit (3.4.0): Extracting archive - Installing masterminds/html5 (2.9.0): Extracting archive - Installing sabberworm/php-css-parser (v8.7.0): Extracting archive - Installing dompdf/php-svg-lib (1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing dompdf/php-font-lib (1.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing dompdf/dompdf (v3.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing ezyang/htmlpurifier (v4.18.0): Extracting archive - Installing paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v3.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing phpseclib/phpseclib (3.0.43): Extracting archive - Installing monolog/monolog (3.8.1): Extracting archive - Installing psr/cache (3.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing firebase/php-jwt (v6.11.0): Extracting archive - Installing google/auth (v1.46.0): Extracting archive - Installing google/apiclient-services (v0.394.0): Extracting archive - Installing google/apiclient (v2.18.2): Extracting archive - Installing html2text/html2text (4.3.2): Extracting archive - Installing kamermans/guzzle-oauth2-subscriber (v1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/process (v6.4.15): Extracting archive - Installing knplabs/knp-snappy (v1.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-stdlib (3.20.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-config (3.10.1): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-db (2.20.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-servicemanager (3.23.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-validator (2.64.2): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-filter (2.39.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-inputfilter (2.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing webmozart/assert (1.11.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-hydrator (4.16.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-form (3.21.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-code (4.16.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-server (2.18.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-json (3.7.1): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-escaper (2.15.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-uri (2.13.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-loader (2.11.1): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-http (2.21.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-json-server (3.9.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-eventmanager (3.14.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-view (2.36.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-router (3.14.0): Extracting archive - Installing webimpress/safe-writer (2.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-modulemanager (2.17.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-mvc (3.8.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-translator (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-i18n (2.29.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-mvc-i18n (1.9.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-soap (2.14.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-xml (1.7.0): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-math (3.8.1): Extracting archive - Installing laminas/laminas-xmlrpc (2.20.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/clock (1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing stella-maris/clock (0.1.7): Extracting archive - Installing lcobucci/clock (2.3.0): Extracting archive - Installing league/csv (9.8.0): Extracting archive - Installing league/event (2.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing league/omnipay (v3.2.1) - Installing league/uri-interfaces (2.3.0): Extracting archive - Installing league/uri (6.8.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/simple-cache (3.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib (4.8.09): Extracting archive - Installing setasign/fpdi (v2.6.3): Extracting archive - Installing myclabs/deep-copy (1.13.0): Extracting archive - Installing mpdf/psr-log-aware-trait (v3.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing mpdf/psr-http-message-shim (1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing mpdf/mpdf (v8.2.5): Extracting archive - Installing nyholm/psr7 (1.8.2): Extracting archive - Installing nyholm/psr7-server (1.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing omnipay/stripe (v3.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing openemr/mustache (v2.15.2): Extracting archive - Installing particle/validator (v2.3.5): Extracting archive - Installing pear/pear_exception (v1.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing pear/console_getopt (v1.4.3): Extracting archive - Installing pear/pear-core-minimal (v1.10.16): Extracting archive - Installing pear/archive_tar (1.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing php81_bc/strftime (0.7.6): Extracting archive - Installing phpmailer/phpmailer (v6.9.3): Extracting archive - Installing markbaker/matrix (3.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing markbaker/complex (3.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing maennchen/zipstream-php (3.1.1): Extracting archive - Installing composer/pcre (3.3.2): Extracting archive - Installing phpoffice/phpspreadsheet (3.9.0): Extracting archive - Installing ramsey/collection (2.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing brick/math (0.12.1): Extracting archive - Installing ramsey/uuid (4.7.6): Extracting archive - Installing ratchet/rfc6455 (v0.3.1): Extracting archive - Installing react/promise (v3.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing react/cache (v1.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing react/event-loop (v1.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing evenement/evenement (v3.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing react/stream (v1.4.0): Extracting archive - Installing react/dns (v1.13.0): Extracting archive - Installing react/socket (v1.16.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing ratchet/pawl (v0.4.1): Extracting archive - Installing rmccue/requests (v2.0.15): Extracting archive - Installing pubnub/pubnub (6.3.0): Extracting archive - Installing ringcentral/ringcentral-php (3.0.3): Extracting archive - Installing robthree/twofactorauth (v2.1.0): Extracting archive - Installing rospdf/pdf-php (0.12.67): Extracting archive - Installing smarty/smarty (v4.5.5): Extracting archive - Installing lcobucci/jwt (4.2.1): Extracting archive - Installing league/oauth2-server (8.4.3): Extracting archive - Installing steverhoades/oauth2-openid-connect-server (v2.6.1): Extracting archive - Installing stripe/stripe-php (v15.10.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/filesystem (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/config (v6.4.14): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/console (v6.4.15): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/var-exporter (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/dependency-injection (v6.4.16): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/finder (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/yaml (v6.4.13): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing twig/twig (v3.19.0): Extracting archive - Installing twilio/sdk (8.3.9): Extracting archive - Installing phpoption/phpoption (1.9.3): Extracting archive - Installing graham-campbell/result-type (v1.1.3): Extracting archive - Installing vlucas/phpdotenv (v5.6.1): Extracting archive - Installing waryway/php-traits-library (1.0.4): Extracting archive - Installing yubico/u2flib-server (1.0.2): Extracting archive 0/161 [>---------------------------] 0% 20/161 [===>------------------------] 12% 40/161 [======>---------------------] 24% 55/161 [=========>------------------] 34% 71/161 [============>---------------] 44% 82/161 [==============>-------------] 50% 100/161 [=================>----------] 62% 115/161 [====================>-------] 71% 130/161 [======================>-----] 80% 145/161 [=========================>--] 90% 158/161 [===========================>] 98% 160/161 [===========================>] 99% 161/161 [============================] 100% Package laminas/laminas-config is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Package laminas/laminas-json is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Package laminas/laminas-loader is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Package laminas/laminas-math is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Package php-http/message-factory is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use psr/http-factory instead. Package symfony/inflector is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use EnglishInflector from the String component instead. Package yubico/u2flib-server is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Generating autoload files 93 packages you are using are looking for funding. Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful. npm warn deprecated fstream-ignore@1.0.5: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated uid-number@0.0.6: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See npm warn deprecated npm-cache-filename@1.0.2: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated rimraf@2.7.1: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated rimraf@2.7.1: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated rimraf@2.7.1: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see npm warn deprecated source-map-resolve@0.6.0: See npm warn deprecated npmlog@4.1.2: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated rimraf@3.0.2: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1: npm warn deprecated are-we-there-yet@1.1.7: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@8.1.0: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm warn deprecated angular-sanitize@1.8.3: For the actively supported Angular, see AngularJS support has officially ended. For extended AngularJS support options, see npm warn deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See npm warn deprecated gauge@2.7.4: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated fstream@1.0.12: This package is no longer supported. npm warn deprecated i18next-xhr-backend@2.0.1: replaced by i18next-http-backend npm warn deprecated i18next-xhr-backend@3.2.2: replaced by i18next-http-backend npm warn deprecated angular@1.8.3: For the actively supported Angular, see AngularJS support has officially ended. For extended AngularJS support options, see npm warn deprecated tar@2.2.2: This version of tar is no longer supported, and will not receive security updates. Please upgrade asap. npm warn deprecated popper.js@1.16.1: You can find the new Popper v2 at @popperjs/core, this package is dedicated to the legacy v1 > openemr-interface@0.2.0 postinstall > napa && gulp -i info download into bootstrap-rtl info download into jquery-creditcardvalidator info download into jquery-panelslider info download into jquery-ui info download into jquery-ui-themes info git into summernote-nugget info download into literallycanvas info download into react info download into lforms Copying OpenEMR dependencies using Gulp [12:56:41] Using gulpfile /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/gulpfile.js [12:56:41] Starting 'default'... [12:56:41] Starting 'install'... [OpenEMR] Running OpenEMR gulp install task... [OpenEMR] Finished running OpenEMR gulp install task [12:56:41] Finished 'install' after 201 ms [12:56:41] Finished 'default' after 205 ms added 1323 packages, and audited 1324 packages in 41s 189 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 30 vulnerabilities (19 moderate, 11 high) To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency. Run `npm audit` for details. > openemr-interface@0.2.0 build > gulp -b Building OpenEMR themes using Gulp [12:56:47] Using gulpfile /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/gulpfile.js [12:56:47] Starting 'default'... [12:56:47] Starting 'clean'... [12:56:47] Finished 'clean' after 17 ms [12:56:47] Starting 'ingest'... [12:56:47] Finished 'ingest' after 814 μs [12:56:47] Starting 'styles_style_color'... [12:56:47] Starting 'styles_style_color_compact'... [12:56:47] Starting 'styles_style_uni'... [12:56:47] Starting 'styles_style_uni_compact'... [12:56:47] Starting 'styles_style_tabs'... [12:56:47] Starting 'styles_style_misc'... [12:56:47] Starting 'styles_style_other'... [12:56:47] Starting 'rtl_style_color'... [12:56:47] Starting 'rtl_style_color_compact'... [12:56:47] Starting 'rtl_style_uni'... [12:56:47] Starting 'rtl_style_uni_compact'... [12:56:47] Starting 'rtl_style_tabs'... [12:56:47] Starting 'rtl_style_misc'... DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 23 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 24 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 24:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 23 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 24 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 24:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 41 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 45 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 51 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 51:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 41 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 45 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 51 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 51:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 43 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 43:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 47 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 53 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 53:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 43 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 43:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 47 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 25 │ @import "directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_compact.scss 25:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "rtl"; │ ^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_compact.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 27 │ @import "directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_compact.scss 27:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 23 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -24.2857142857%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "functions"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 8:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 9 │ @import "variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -24.2857142857%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 5 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -24.2857142857%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/functions"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 8:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -24.2857142857%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/bootstrap_navbar.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -15.9375%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -36.2559241706%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -15.9375%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -15.9375%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -36.2559241706%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -36.2559241706%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -15.9375%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -36.2559241706%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.6421404682%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.6421404682%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.6421404682%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.6421404682%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 59.6989966555%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 59.6989966555%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 59.6989966555%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 59.6989966555%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 2 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 2 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 45:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_dark.scss 47:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_cobalt_blue.scss 23:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 265 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 266 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 325 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 326 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 451 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 453 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 563 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 565 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 24 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 24:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "utilities/default_variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 24 │ @import "../color_base"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 24:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 11 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 16 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 16:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 11 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 16 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 16:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 13 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 13 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 18 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 18:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 19 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 27 │ @import "directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_full.scss 27:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 5 │ @import "../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 5:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 6 │ @import "../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 6:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 7 │ @import "../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 7:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 8:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "rtl"; │ ^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_full.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 29 │ @import "directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/tabs_style_full.scss 29:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 29 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 29:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 34 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 30 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 30:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 35 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -37.5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "functions"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 8:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 9 │ @import "variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -37.5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 5 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -37.5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/functions"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 8:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -37.5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -5%) More info: ╷ 110 │ $dropdown-link-hover-color: darken($darkest, 5%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/colors/utilities/default_variables.scss 110:29 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 19:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 34:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/edi_history_v2.scss 35:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -81.3829787234%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -81.3829787234%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -81.3829787234%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -81.3829787234%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 30.6490384615%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 30.6490384615%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 30.6490384615%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 30.6490384615%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.9086538462%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.9086538462%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.9086538462%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 42.9086538462%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/colors/style_forest_green.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 415:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 441:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 470:5 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 415:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 441:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms.scss 470:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 24:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 415│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 415:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 26:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 441│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 441:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 26:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 470│ appearance: none; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_custom-forms-rtl.scss 470:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 26:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_modal.scss 46 │ transform: $modal-fade-transform; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_modal.scss 46:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 38:9 @import interface/themes/style_pdf.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_modal.scss 46 │ transform: $modal-fade-transform; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_modal.scss 46:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 38:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 11:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_modal-rtl.scss 46 │ transform: $modal-fade-transform; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_transition.scss 21 │ ┌ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { 22 │ │ transition: none; 23 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_modal-rtl.scss 46:5 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 40:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_light.scss 13:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 258 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 259 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 320 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 321 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 435 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 437 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 415 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 551 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 553 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 4 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 4:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 15 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 4 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 4:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 15 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 20 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 20:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 21:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 6 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 6:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 23 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 23:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 6 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 6:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 17 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 22 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 22:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 7 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 7:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 12 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 8:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 13 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/encounters.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 77 │ $theme-colors: map-merge( │ ┌────────────────^ 78 │ │ ( 79 │ │ "primary": $primary, 80 │ │ "secondary": $secondary, 81 │ │ "success": $success, 82 │ │ "info": $info, 83 │ │ "warning": $warning, 84 │ │ "danger": $danger, 85 │ │ "light": $light, 86 │ │ "dark": $dark 87 │ │ ), 88 │ │ $theme-colors 89 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 77:16 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 138 │ $spacers: map-merge( │ ┌───────────^ 139 │ │ ( 140 │ │ 0: 0, 141 │ │ 1: ($spacer * .25), 142 │ │ 2: ($spacer * .5), 143 │ │ 3: $spacer, 144 │ │ 4: ($spacer * 1.5), 145 │ │ 5: ($spacer * 3) 146 │ │ ), 147 │ │ $spacers 148 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 138:11 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 152 │ $sizes: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 153 │ │ ( 154 │ │ 25: 25%, 155 │ │ 50: 50%, 156 │ │ 75: 75%, 157 │ │ 100: 100%, 158 │ │ auto: auto 159 │ │ ), 160 │ │ $sizes 161 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 152:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -30%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -15%) More info: ╷ 178 │ $link-hover-color: darken($link-color, 15%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 178:43 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 9.7081218274%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 7.5%) More info: ╷ 374 │ $table-dark-border-color: lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 374:31 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 50%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 70%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 627 │ $custom-range-thumb-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 627:46 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 15:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_manila.scss 17:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 265 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 266 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 451 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 453 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 39 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 40 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 40:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 55 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 55:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 56 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 56:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 1 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 1:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 39 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 40 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 40:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ @import "../oemr_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 55 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 55:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 41 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 42 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 42:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../oemr-rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 57 │ @import "../../../public/assets/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 57:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 2 │ @import "../rtl"; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 2:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 3 │ @import "../compact-theme-defaults"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 3:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 41 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 42 │ @import "../default-variables"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 42:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 52 │ @import "../oemr_rtl_compact_imports"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 60 │ $font-family-sans-serif: "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 60:208 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 98 │ $navbar-light-color: rgba($black, .4) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 98:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 99 │ $navbar-light-active-color: rgba($black, .7) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 99:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 60 │ $font-family-sans-serif: "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 60:208 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 98 │ $navbar-light-color: rgba($black, .4) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 98:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 99 │ $navbar-light-active-color: rgba($black, .7) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 99:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 60 │ $font-family-sans-serif: "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 60:208 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 98 │ $navbar-light-color: rgba($black, .4) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 98:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 99 │ $navbar-light-active-color: rgba($black, .7) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 99:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -4.226519337%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -3%) More info: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 60 │ $font-family-sans-serif: "Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 60:208 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 98 │ $navbar-light-color: rgba($black, .4) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 98:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: !default should only be written once for each variable. This will be an error in Dart Sass 2.0.0. ╷ 99 │ $navbar-light-active-color: rgba($black, .7) !default !default; │ ^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 99:63 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -4.226519337%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -3%) More info: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -4.226519337%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -3%) More info: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 5%) More info: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -4.226519337%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -3%) More info: ╷ 68 │ $table-dark-border-color: darken($gray-500, 3%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 68:31 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 5%) More info: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 5%) More info: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 39:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 5%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 5%) More info: ╷ 132 │ $toast-background-color: lighten($body-bg, 5%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootswatch/dist/solar/_variables.scss 132:37 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 41:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 45 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 45:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -56.3535911602%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -20%) More info: ╷ 45 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 45:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 47 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 47:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -56.3535911602%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -20%) More info: ╷ 47 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 47:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 45 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 45:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -56.3535911602%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -20%) More info: ╷ 45 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 45:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use color.adjust instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 47 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 47:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: darken() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: -56.3535911602%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: -20%) More info: ╷ 47 │ $login-color-3: darken($primary, 20%); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 47:17 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 21 │ $grays: map-merge( │ ┌─────────^ 22 │ │ ( 23 │ │ "100": $gray-100, 24 │ │ "200": $gray-200, 25 │ │ "300": $gray-300, 26 │ │ "400": $gray-400, 27 │ │ "500": $gray-500, 28 │ │ "600": $gray-600, 29 │ │ "700": $gray-700, 30 │ │ "800": $gray-800, 31 │ │ "900": $gray-900 32 │ │ ), 33 │ │ $grays 34 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 21:9 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.merge instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 48 │ $colors: map-merge( │ ┌──────────^ 49 │ │ ( 50 │ │ "blue": $blue, 51 │ │ "indigo": $indigo, 52 │ │ "purple": $purple, 53 │ │ "pink": $pink, 54 │ │ "red": $red, 55 │ │ "orange": $orange, 56 │ │ "yellow": $yellow, 57 │ │ "green": $green, 58 │ │ "teal": $teal, 59 │ │ "cyan": $cyan, 60 │ │ "white": $white, 61 │ │ "gray": $gray-600, 62 │ │ "gray-dark": $gray-800 63 │ │ ), 64 │ │ $colors 65 │ │ ); │ └─^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 48:10 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 25%) More info: ╷ 487 │ $input-focus-border-color: lighten($component-active-bg, 25%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 487:41 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: lighten() is deprecated. Suggestions: color.scale($color, $lightness: 100%) color.adjust($color, $lightness: 35%) More info: ╷ 552 │ $custom-control-indicator-active-bg: lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_variables-rtl.scss 552:49 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 9:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 421:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_reboot.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422 │ line-height: inherit; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 422:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423 │ color: inherit; // 2 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 423:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424 │ white-space: normal; // 1 │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_reboot-rtl.scss 424:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 14:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36 │ font-weight: $display2-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 36:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 37:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 13:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31 │ font-weight: $display1-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 31:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32 │ line-height: $display-line-height; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 32:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 15:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41 │ font-weight: $display3-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 149 │ ┌ @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) { 150 │ │ @content; 151 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_type-rtl.scss 41:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 11:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import interface/themes/oemr_rtl_compact_imports.scss 12:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss 16:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 50:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(100%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{100%}) More info: ╷ 54 │ $dividend: abs($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 54:14 divide() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-rtl.scss 66:15 row-cols() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 43:13 @content public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss 65:5 media-breakpoint-up() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss 32:5 make-grid-columns() public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/_grid.scss 72:3 @import public/assets/bootstrap-rtl/scss/bootstrap-rtl.scss 18:9 @import interface/themes/oemr-rtl.scss 5:9 @import interface/themes/oe-styles/style_solar.scss 52:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 288 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 289 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 481 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 483 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR tab navigation styles [12:58:45] Finished 'styles_style_tabs' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling RTL tabs styles [12:58:45] Finished 'rtl_style_tabs' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR root other styles [12:58:45] Finished 'styles_style_other' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling RTL compact color themes [12:58:45] Finished 'rtl_style_color_compact' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR compact color themes [12:58:45] Finished 'styles_style_color_compact' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR color themes [12:58:45] Finished 'styles_style_color' after 1.95 min [OpenEMR] Compiled OpenEMR RTL color themes [12:58:45] Finished 'rtl_style_color' after 1.95 min DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 8 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 8:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 12 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. More info: DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 9 │ @import "../directional"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 9:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 13 │ @import "../../../public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use meta.type-of instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 33 │ @if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 33:5 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 50 │ $rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 50:27 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 80 │ $dividend-unit: unit($dividend); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 80:19 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use math.unit instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 81 │ $divisor-unit: unit($divisor); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 81:18 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 12:9 root stylesheet DEPRECATION WARNING: Global built-in functions are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0. Use map.has-key instead. More info and automated migrator: ╷ 88 │ @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) { │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 88:44 divide() public/assets/bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 99:52 @import interface/themes/misc/rules.scss 13:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. WARNING: 3 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. [OpenEMR] Finished compiling RTL base compact themes [12:58:47] Finished 'rtl_style_uni_compact' after 2 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR compact base themes [12:58:47] Finished 'styles_style_uni_compact' after 2 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling RTL base themes [12:58:47] Finished 'rtl_style_uni' after 2 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling OpenEMR base themes [12:58:47] Finished 'styles_style_uni' after 2 min [OpenEMR] Finished compiling miscellaneous styles [12:58:47] Finished 'styles_style_misc' after 2 min [OpenEMR] Compiled rest of RTL SCSS [12:58:47] Finished 'rtl_style_misc' after 2 min [12:58:47] Starting 'sync'... [OpenEMR] Running gulp sync task... [OpenEMR] Finished running gulp sync task [12:58:47] Finished 'sync' after 86 ms [12:58:47] Finished 'default' after 2 min added 348 packages, and audited 350 packages in 6s 38 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 17 vulnerabilities (3 low, 3 moderate, 8 high, 3 critical) To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency. Run `npm audit` for details. Changed current directory to /root/.composer ./composer.json has been updated Running composer update phing/phing Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Lock file operations: 12 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals - Locking phing/phing (3.0.1) - Locking psr/container (2.0.2) - Locking sebastian/version (5.0.2) - Locking symfony/console (v7.2.1) - Locking symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1) - Locking symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1) - Locking symfony/string (v7.2.0) - Locking symfony/yaml (v7.2.3) Writing lock file Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Package operations: 12 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals 0 [>---------------------------] 0 [->--------------------------] - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/yaml (v7.2.3): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/string (v7.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/container (2.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/console (v7.2.1): Extracting archive - Installing sebastian/version (5.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing phing/phing (3.0.1): Extracting archive 0/12 [>---------------------------] 0% 11/12 [=========================>--] 91% 12/12 [============================] 100% 28 package suggestions were added by new dependencies, use `composer suggest` to see details. Generating autoload files 11 packages you are using are looking for funding. Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! No security vulnerability advisories found. Using version ^3.0 for phing/phing Buildfile: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/build.xml OpenEMR > vendor-clean: [echo] Trying to clean up vendor dir OpenEMR > clean-vendor-dir: [delete] Deleting 30 files from /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/academe/authorizenet-objects/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/academe/authorizenet-objects/src/Response/.gitkeep [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/academe/authorizenet-objects/tests/.gitkeep [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/academe/omnipay-authorizenetapi/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/aranyasen/hl7/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/evenement/evenement/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/html2text/html2text/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/maennchen/zipstream-php/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/maennchen/zipstream-php/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/tmp/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/mpdf/psr-log-aware-trait/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/omnipay/stripe/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/openemr/mustache/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/particle/validator/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/pear/archive_tar/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/pear/archive_tar/tests/testblock2/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/pear/console_getopt/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/php81_bc/strftime/.gitattributes [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/php81_bc/strftime/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/psr/container/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/psr/event-dispatcher/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/ratchet/pawl/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/ratchet/rfc6455/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/robthree/twofactorauth/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/changelog/.gitkeep [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/waryway/php-traits-library/.gitignore [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/.gitignore [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adldap2/adldap2/docs does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/adodb.gif [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/adodb2.gif [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/docs/ [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/container-interop/container-interop/docs does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/test does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/maintenance does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/plugins does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/illuminate/support/Testing does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/knplabs/knp-snappy/doc/ [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/markbaker/complex/examples/complexTest.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/markbaker/complex/examples/testFunctions.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/markbaker/complex/examples/testOperations.php [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/docs does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/myclabs/deep-copy/doc does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/phenx/php-font-lib/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/phenx/php-svg-lib/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/docs does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/samples does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/phpunit/php-timer/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/phpunit/php-token-stream/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/phpunit/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/image.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/tables.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/color.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/dummy.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/utf8.txt [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/barcode.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/annotations.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/unicode.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/imageInTable.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/images/test_indexed.png [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/images/test_grayscaled.png [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/images/test_alpha.png [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/images/test_alpha2.png [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/images/test_grayscaled_alpha.png [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/images/test_indexed_transparent.png [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/images/bg.jpg [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/images/test_alpha.gif [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/imagetext.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/table-enhancements.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/imageObjectHash.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/fonts.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/encryption.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/examples/unicode-file.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/tests/CpdfTest.php [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/sabberworm/php-css-parser/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/sebastian/comparator/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/sebastian/diff/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/sebastian/environment/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/sebastian/exporter/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/sebastian/global-state/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/sebastian/object-enumerator/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/sebastian/recursion-context/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/index.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/templates/header.tpl [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/templates/footer.tpl [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/templates/index.tpl [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/configs/test.conf [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.memcache.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/resource.mysqls.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.pdo.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.pdo_gzip.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.apc.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/resource.extendsall.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/resource.mysql.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/smarty/smarty/demo/plugins/cacheresource.mysql.php [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/config/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/ApplicationTester.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/CommandTester.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/TesterTrait.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/Constraint/CommandIsSuccessful.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tester/CommandCompletionTester.php [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/console/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/debug/Resources/ext/tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/debug/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/filesystem/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/process/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/translation/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/twig/twig/doc does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/twig/twig/test does not exist or is not a directory. [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/examples/localstorage/index.phps [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/examples/cli/u2f-server.phps [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/examples/pdo/index.phps [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/examples/assets/u2f-api.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/tests/u2flib_test.php [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/vendor/yubico/u2flib-server/tests/certs/yubico-u2f-ca-1.pem BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.8955 seconds Buildfile: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/build.xml OpenEMR > assets-clean: [echo] Trying to clean up assets dir OpenEMR > clean-assets-dir: [delete] Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/flot/examples does not exist or is not a directory. 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/var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/jquery-datetimepicker/tests/tests/methods.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/jquery-datetimepicker/tests/index.html [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/numeral.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/formats/currency.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/formats/ordinal.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/formats/time.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/formats/bytes.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/formats/bps.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/formats/percentage.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/formats/exponential.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/it.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/da-dk.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/nl-be.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/pt-pt.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/no.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/de-ch.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/uk-ua.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/fr.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/lv.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/es.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/fr-ca.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/vi.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/hu.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/de.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/nl-nl.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/cs.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/tr.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/sk.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/th.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/es-es.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/en-au.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/en-gb.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/et.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/chs.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/bg.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/fr-ch.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/ru.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/pt-br.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/ja.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/sl.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/ru-ua.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/pl.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/fi.js [delete] Deleting /var/www/localhost/htdocs/a/openemr/public/assets/numeral/tests/locales/en-za.js BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.0567 seconds Changed current directory to /root/.composer ./composer.json has been updated Running composer update phing/phing Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Lock file operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 12 removals - Removing phing/phing (3.0.1) - Removing psr/container (2.0.2) - Removing sebastian/version (5.0.2) - Removing symfony/console (v7.2.1) - Removing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1) - Removing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1) - Removing symfony/string (v7.2.0) - Removing symfony/yaml (v7.2.3) Writing lock file Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Package operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 12 removals - Removing symfony/yaml (v7.2.3) - Removing symfony/string (v7.2.0) - Removing symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.1) - Removing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0) - Removing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.1) - Removing symfony/console (v7.2.1) - Removing sebastian/version (5.0.2) - Removing psr/container (2.0.2) - Removing phing/phing (3.0.1) 0/2 [>---------------------------] 0% 2/2 [============================] 100% Generating autoload files No installed packages - skipping audit. Generating optimized autoload files Generated optimized autoload files containing 39098 classes Using online development translation set Inserting demo data from demo_5_0_0_5.sql Completed inserting demo data from demo_5_0_0_5.sql Upgrading demo data from 5.0.0
If you are unsure or were using a development version between two releases, then choose the older of possible releases.
Processing 5_0_0-to-5_0_1_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `list_options` ADD `edit_options` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'Skipping section #IfTable form_therapy_groups_attendance
CREATE TABLE `form_group_attendance` ( id bigint(20) auto_increment, date date, group_id int(11), user varchar(255), groupname varchar(255), authorized tinyint(4), encounter_id int(11), activity tinyint(4), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id files_white_list
CREATE TABLE `onsite_documents` ( `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `pid` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `facility` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `provider` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `encounter` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `create_date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `doc_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `patient_signed_status` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `patient_signed_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `authorize_signed_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `accept_signed_status` smallint(5) NOT NULL, `authorizing_signator` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `review_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `denial_reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `authorized_signature` text, `patient_signature` text, `full_document` blob, `file_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `file_path` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1Skipping section #IfNotColumnType lbf_data field_value longtext
ALTER TABLE `issue_types` ADD `aco_spec` varchar(63) NOT NULL default 'patients|med'Processing 5_0_1-to-5_0_2_upgrade.sql...
UPDATE `background_services` SET `require_once`='/library/MedEx/MedEx_background.php' WHERE `name`='MedEx'Imported eRx Weno Drug Data
DROP TABLE `openemr_postcalendar_limits`Processing 5_0_2-to-6_0_0_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `facility` ADD `iban` varchar(50) default NULLSkipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ODNPA text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro OSNPA text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro VERTFUSAMPS text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro DIVERGENCEAMPS text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ODCOLOR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro OSCOLOR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ODCOINS text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro OSCOINS text
INSERT INTO `supported_external_dataloads` (`load_type`, `load_source`, `load_release_date`, `load_filename`, `load_checksum`) VALUES('ICD10', 'CMS', '2019-10-01', '', '745546b3c94af3401e84003e1b143b9b')Skipping section #IfMissingColumn patient_access_onsite portal_login_username
ALTER TABLE `api_token` ADD `token_auth_salt` varchar(255)Skipping section #IfNotColumnType uuid_registry uuid binary(16)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnTypeDefault patient_data uuid binary(16) NULL
CREATE TABLE `uuid_registry` ( `uuid` binary(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `table_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `created` timestamp NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`)) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfNotColumnTypeDefault insurance_data subscriber_DOB date NULL
SET @currentSQLMode = (SELECT @@sql_mode)Skipping section #IfRow insurance_data date 0000-00-00
SET sql_mode = @currentSQLModeSkipping section #IfNotColumnType form_bronchitis user varchar(50)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_bronchitis groupname varchar(50)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_bronchitis bronchitis_ops_fever text
DELETE FROM `globals` WHERE `gl_name`='font-size'Skipping section #IfDocumentNamingNeeded
CREATE TABLE `api_log` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `patient_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `ip_address` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `method` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `request` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `request_url` text, `request_body` longtext, `response` longtext, `encrypted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `created_time` timestamp NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDBSkipping section #IfNotColumnTypeDefault form_prior_auth date datetime NULL
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn form_prior_auth date_from
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn form_prior_auth date_to
ALTER TABLE `documents` ADD `deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'Skipping section #IfNotColumnType oauth_clients client_id varchar(80)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType oauth_clients client_secret text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType oauth_clients registration_token varchar(80)
ALTER TABLE `api_token` DROP COLUMN `token_auth`Skipping section #IfColumn api_token user_role
Skipping section #IfColumn oauth_trusted_user user_role
ALTER TABLE `oauth_clients` ADD `logout_redirect_uris` textProcessing 6_0_0-to-6_1_0_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `insurance_companies` ADD `uuid` binary(16) DEFAULT NULLSkipping section #IfMissingColumn x12_partners x12_gs03
ALTER TABLE `x12_partners` ADD COLUMN `x12_submitter_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULLSkipping section #IfColumn form_clinical_notes followup_timing
CREATE TABLE `form_clinical_notes` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `date` DATE DEFAULT NULL, `pid` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `encounter` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `user` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `groupname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `authorized` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `activity` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `codetext` text, `description` text, `external_id` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL, `clinical_notes_type` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfRowIsNull patient_history history_type_key
ALTER TABLE `patient_data` ADD COLUMN `name_history` TINYTEXTSkipping section #IfNotIndex sct_description idx_concept_id
Skipping section #IfNotIndex sct2_description idx_concept_id
INSERT INTO `supported_external_dataloads` (`load_type`, `load_source`, `load_release_date`, `load_filename`, `load_checksum`) VALUES('ICD10', 'CMS', '2021-10-01', '2022-Code', '11d1d725c84e55d52ef6633da88aa137')Start Layouts Edit Options Add DAP update.
Setting new edit options birth_fname to ["DAP"]Layout Edit Options Add DAP done.
Start Layouts Edit Options Add K update.
Setting new edit options name_history to ["EP","DAP","K"]Layout Edit Options Add K done.
Start Layouts Edit Options Add EP update.
Setting new edit options care_team_facility to ["EP"]Layout Edit Options Add EP done.
Skipping section #IfTable onsite_activity_view
CREATE TABLE `verify_email` (`id` bigint NOT NULL auto_increment,`pid_holder` bigint DEFAULT NULL,`email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`language` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,`fname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`mname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`lname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`dob` date DEFAULT NULL,`token_onetime` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,`active` tinyint NOT NULL default 1,PRIMARY KEY (`id`),UNIQUE KEY (`email`)) ENGINE=InnoDBProcessing 6_1_0-to-7_0_0_upgrade.sql...
SET @group_id = (SELECT `group_id` FROM layout_options WHERE field_id='allow_patient_portal' AND form_id='DEM')Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id ecqm_2021_reporting
INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`) VALUES ('lists','ecqm_2022_reporting','eCQM 2022 Performance Period',0,1,0)Start Layouts Edit Options remove C update.
Setting new edit options street_line_2 to []Layout Edit Options remove C done.
Start Layouts Edit Options add U update.
Setting new edit options city to ["U"]Layout Edit Options add U done.
Skipping section #IfNotRow3D list_options list_id language option_id malay notes ms
ALTER TABLE `form_encounter` ADD `date_end` DATETIME DEFAULT NULLSkipping section #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id Plan_of_Care_Type option_id medication
INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`) VALUES ('issue_subtypes','assessment','Assessment',20)Skipping section #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id Plan_of_Care_Type option_id intervention
CREATE TABLE `valueset_oid` ( `nqf_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `code_system` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `code_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `valueset` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `valueset_name` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`nqf_code`,`code`,`valueset`)) ENGINE=InnoDBStart Layouts Edit Options add J update.
Setting new edit options additional_addresses to ["J"]Layout Edit Options add J done.
Start Layouts Edit Options add SP update.
Setting new edit options additional_addresses to ["J","SP"]Layout Edit Options add SP done.
Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id drug_interval option_id WK
Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id drug_interval option_id MO
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title,seq,is_default,activity) VALUES ('drug_interval','19','Weekly',19,0,1)Start Layouts Edit Options remove K update.
Setting new edit options name_history to ["EP","DAP"]Layout Edit Options remove K done.
Processing 7_0_0-to-7_0_1_upgrade.sql...
CREATE TABLE `questionnaire_repository` ( `id` bigint(21) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uuid` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, `questionnaire_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `provider` int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `version` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `created_date` datetime DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `modified_date` datetime DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Questionnaire', `profile` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `active` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `status` varchar(31) DEFAULT NULL, `source_url` text, `code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `code_display` text, `questionnaire` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `uuid` (`uuid`), KEY `search` (`name`,`questionnaire_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfMissingColumn questionnaire_response response_id
ALTER TABLE `questionnaire_repository` ADD `lform` LONGTEXTConverting empty vital dates.
Completed conversion of empty vital dates
UPDATE `categories` SET `aco_spec` = 'patients|demo' WHERE `name` = 'Patient Information'Skipping section #IfRow2D globals gl_name login_page_layout gl_value center
Skipping section #IfRow2D globals gl_name login_page_layout gl_value left
Skipping section #IfRow2D globals gl_name login_page_layout gl_value right
ALTER TABLE `ar_activity` ADD `payer_claim_number` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULLProcessing 7_0_1-to-7_0_2_upgrade.sql...
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pma_bookmark`Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id Nationality_and_Country
Skipping section #IfRow list_options list_id Nationality_and_Country
CREATE TABLE `edi_sequences` ( `id` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL default '0') ENGINE=InnoDBProcessing 7_0_2-to-7_0_3_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `form_encounter` ADD `last_update` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMPSkipping section #IfNotIndex sct2_description idx_term
Processing 7_0_3-to-7_0_4_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `onetime_auth` ADD `scope` tinytext COMMENT 'context scope for this token'Updating UUIDs (this could take some time)
Updated UUIDs: added 1 uuids to facility, added 3 uuids to form_encounter, added 3 uuids to form_vitals, added 3 uuids to history_data, added 1 uuids to insurance_companies, added 9 uuids to insurance_data, added 9 uuids to lists, added 11 uuids to openemr_postcalendar_events, added 3 uuids to patient_data, added 1 uuids to prescriptions, added 9 uuids to users, added 85 uuids to uuid_mapping, added 1 uuids to uuid_registry
Updating global configuration defaults...
Updating Access Controls...
Updating version indicators...
Database and Access Control upgrade finished.
If you are unsure or were using a development version between two releases, then choose the older of possible releases.
Processing 5_0_0-to-5_0_1_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `list_options` ADD `edit_options` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'Skipping section #IfTable form_therapy_groups_attendance
CREATE TABLE `form_group_attendance` ( id bigint(20) auto_increment, date date, group_id int(11), user varchar(255), groupname varchar(255), authorized tinyint(4), encounter_id int(11), activity tinyint(4), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id files_white_list
CREATE TABLE `onsite_documents` ( `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `pid` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `facility` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `provider` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `encounter` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `create_date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `doc_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `patient_signed_status` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `patient_signed_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `authorize_signed_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `accept_signed_status` smallint(5) NOT NULL, `authorizing_signator` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `review_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `denial_reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `authorized_signature` text, `patient_signature` text, `full_document` blob, `file_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `file_path` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1Skipping section #IfNotColumnType lbf_data field_value longtext
ALTER TABLE `issue_types` ADD `aco_spec` varchar(63) NOT NULL default 'patients|med'Processing 5_0_1-to-5_0_2_upgrade.sql...
UPDATE `background_services` SET `require_once`='/library/MedEx/MedEx_background.php' WHERE `name`='MedEx'Imported eRx Weno Drug Data
DROP TABLE `openemr_postcalendar_limits`Processing 5_0_2-to-6_0_0_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `facility` ADD `iban` varchar(50) default NULLSkipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ODNPA text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro OSNPA text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro VERTFUSAMPS text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro DIVERGENCEAMPS text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ODCOLOR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro OSCOLOR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ODCOINS text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro OSCOINS text
INSERT INTO `supported_external_dataloads` (`load_type`, `load_source`, `load_release_date`, `load_filename`, `load_checksum`) VALUES('ICD10', 'CMS', '2019-10-01', '', '745546b3c94af3401e84003e1b143b9b')Skipping section #IfMissingColumn patient_access_onsite portal_login_username
ALTER TABLE `api_token` ADD `token_auth_salt` varchar(255)Skipping section #IfNotColumnType uuid_registry uuid binary(16)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnTypeDefault patient_data uuid binary(16) NULL
CREATE TABLE `uuid_registry` ( `uuid` binary(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `table_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `created` timestamp NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`)) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfNotColumnTypeDefault insurance_data subscriber_DOB date NULL
SET @currentSQLMode = (SELECT @@sql_mode)Skipping section #IfRow insurance_data date 0000-00-00
SET sql_mode = @currentSQLModeSkipping section #IfNotColumnType form_bronchitis user varchar(50)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_bronchitis groupname varchar(50)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_bronchitis bronchitis_ops_fever text
DELETE FROM `globals` WHERE `gl_name`='font-size'Skipping section #IfDocumentNamingNeeded
CREATE TABLE `api_log` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `patient_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `ip_address` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `method` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `request` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `request_url` text, `request_body` longtext, `response` longtext, `encrypted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `created_time` timestamp NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDBSkipping section #IfNotColumnTypeDefault form_prior_auth date datetime NULL
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn form_prior_auth date_from
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn form_prior_auth date_to
ALTER TABLE `documents` ADD `deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'Skipping section #IfNotColumnType oauth_clients client_id varchar(80)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType oauth_clients client_secret text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType oauth_clients registration_token varchar(80)
ALTER TABLE `api_token` DROP COLUMN `token_auth`Skipping section #IfColumn api_token user_role
Skipping section #IfColumn oauth_trusted_user user_role
ALTER TABLE `oauth_clients` ADD `logout_redirect_uris` textProcessing 6_0_0-to-6_1_0_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `insurance_companies` ADD `uuid` binary(16) DEFAULT NULLSkipping section #IfMissingColumn x12_partners x12_gs03
ALTER TABLE `x12_partners` ADD COLUMN `x12_submitter_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULLSkipping section #IfColumn form_clinical_notes followup_timing
CREATE TABLE `form_clinical_notes` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `date` DATE DEFAULT NULL, `pid` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `encounter` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `user` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `groupname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `authorized` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `activity` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `codetext` text, `description` text, `external_id` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL, `clinical_notes_type` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfRowIsNull patient_history history_type_key
ALTER TABLE `patient_data` ADD COLUMN `name_history` TINYTEXTSkipping section #IfNotIndex sct_description idx_concept_id
Skipping section #IfNotIndex sct2_description idx_concept_id
INSERT INTO `supported_external_dataloads` (`load_type`, `load_source`, `load_release_date`, `load_filename`, `load_checksum`) VALUES('ICD10', 'CMS', '2021-10-01', '2022-Code', '11d1d725c84e55d52ef6633da88aa137')Start Layouts Edit Options Add DAP update.
Setting new edit options birth_fname to ["DAP"]Layout Edit Options Add DAP done.
Start Layouts Edit Options Add K update.
Setting new edit options name_history to ["EP","DAP","K"]Layout Edit Options Add K done.
Start Layouts Edit Options Add EP update.
Setting new edit options care_team_facility to ["EP"]Layout Edit Options Add EP done.
Skipping section #IfTable onsite_activity_view
CREATE TABLE `verify_email` (`id` bigint NOT NULL auto_increment,`pid_holder` bigint DEFAULT NULL,`email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`language` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,`fname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`mname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`lname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`dob` date DEFAULT NULL,`token_onetime` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,`active` tinyint NOT NULL default 1,PRIMARY KEY (`id`),UNIQUE KEY (`email`)) ENGINE=InnoDBProcessing 6_1_0-to-7_0_0_upgrade.sql...
SET @group_id = (SELECT `group_id` FROM layout_options WHERE field_id='allow_patient_portal' AND form_id='DEM')Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id ecqm_2021_reporting
INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`) VALUES ('lists','ecqm_2022_reporting','eCQM 2022 Performance Period',0,1,0)Start Layouts Edit Options remove C update.
Setting new edit options street_line_2 to []Layout Edit Options remove C done.
Start Layouts Edit Options add U update.
Setting new edit options city to ["U"]Layout Edit Options add U done.
Skipping section #IfNotRow3D list_options list_id language option_id malay notes ms
ALTER TABLE `form_encounter` ADD `date_end` DATETIME DEFAULT NULLSkipping section #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id Plan_of_Care_Type option_id medication
INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`) VALUES ('issue_subtypes','assessment','Assessment',20)Skipping section #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id Plan_of_Care_Type option_id intervention
CREATE TABLE `valueset_oid` ( `nqf_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `code_system` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `code_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `valueset` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `valueset_name` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`nqf_code`,`code`,`valueset`)) ENGINE=InnoDBStart Layouts Edit Options add J update.
Setting new edit options additional_addresses to ["J"]Layout Edit Options add J done.
Start Layouts Edit Options add SP update.
Setting new edit options additional_addresses to ["J","SP"]Layout Edit Options add SP done.
Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id drug_interval option_id WK
Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id drug_interval option_id MO
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title,seq,is_default,activity) VALUES ('drug_interval','19','Weekly',19,0,1)Start Layouts Edit Options remove K update.
Setting new edit options name_history to ["EP","DAP"]Layout Edit Options remove K done.
Processing 7_0_0-to-7_0_1_upgrade.sql...
CREATE TABLE `questionnaire_repository` ( `id` bigint(21) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uuid` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, `questionnaire_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `provider` int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `version` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `created_date` datetime DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `modified_date` datetime DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Questionnaire', `profile` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `active` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `status` varchar(31) DEFAULT NULL, `source_url` text, `code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `code_display` text, `questionnaire` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `uuid` (`uuid`), KEY `search` (`name`,`questionnaire_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfMissingColumn questionnaire_response response_id
ALTER TABLE `questionnaire_repository` ADD `lform` LONGTEXTConverting empty vital dates.
Completed conversion of empty vital dates
UPDATE `categories` SET `aco_spec` = 'patients|demo' WHERE `name` = 'Patient Information'Skipping section #IfRow2D globals gl_name login_page_layout gl_value center
Skipping section #IfRow2D globals gl_name login_page_layout gl_value left
Skipping section #IfRow2D globals gl_name login_page_layout gl_value right
ALTER TABLE `ar_activity` ADD `payer_claim_number` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULLProcessing 7_0_1-to-7_0_2_upgrade.sql...
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pma_bookmark`Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id Nationality_and_Country
Skipping section #IfRow list_options list_id Nationality_and_Country
CREATE TABLE `edi_sequences` ( `id` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL default '0') ENGINE=InnoDBProcessing patch.sql...
UPDATE list_options SET option_id='DOB' WHERE list_id='recent_patient_columns' AND option_id='dob'Updating UUIDs (this could take some time)
Updated UUIDs: added 1 uuids to facility, added 3 uuids to form_encounter, added 3 uuids to form_vitals, added 3 uuids to history_data, added 1 uuids to insurance_companies, added 9 uuids to insurance_data, added 9 uuids to lists, added 11 uuids to openemr_postcalendar_events, added 3 uuids to patient_data, added 1 uuids to prescriptions, added 9 uuids to users, added 85 uuids to uuid_mapping, added 1 uuids to uuid_registry
Updating global configuration defaults...
Updating Access Controls...
Updating version indicators. Patch was also installed, updating version patch indicator...
Database and Access Control upgrade finished.
If you are unsure or were using a development version between two releases, then choose the older of possible releases.
Processing 5_0_0-to-5_0_1_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `list_options` ADD `edit_options` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'Skipping section #IfTable form_therapy_groups_attendance
CREATE TABLE `form_group_attendance` ( id bigint(20) auto_increment, date date, group_id int(11), user varchar(255), groupname varchar(255), authorized tinyint(4), encounter_id int(11), activity tinyint(4), PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id files_white_list
CREATE TABLE `onsite_documents` ( `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `pid` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `facility` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `provider` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `encounter` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `create_date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `doc_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `patient_signed_status` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `patient_signed_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `authorize_signed_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `accept_signed_status` smallint(5) NOT NULL, `authorizing_signator` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `review_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `denial_reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `authorized_signature` text, `patient_signature` text, `full_document` blob, `file_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `file_path` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1Skipping section #IfNotColumnType lbf_data field_value longtext
ALTER TABLE `issue_types` ADD `aco_spec` varchar(63) NOT NULL default 'patients|med'Processing 5_0_1-to-5_0_2_upgrade.sql...
UPDATE `background_services` SET `require_once`='/library/MedEx/MedEx_background.php' WHERE `name`='MedEx'Imported eRx Weno Drug Data
DROP TABLE `openemr_postcalendar_limits`Processing 5_0_2-to-6_0_0_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `facility` ADD `iban` varchar(50) default NULLSkipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11CCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11SCDIST text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT5SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT6SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT7SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT8SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT9SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT10SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT11SCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT1CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT2CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT3CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ACT4CCNEAR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ODNPA text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro OSNPA text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro VERTFUSAMPS text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro DIVERGENCEAMPS text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ODCOLOR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro OSCOLOR text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro ODCOINS text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_eye_neuro OSCOINS text
INSERT INTO `supported_external_dataloads` (`load_type`, `load_source`, `load_release_date`, `load_filename`, `load_checksum`) VALUES('ICD10', 'CMS', '2019-10-01', '', '745546b3c94af3401e84003e1b143b9b')Skipping section #IfMissingColumn patient_access_onsite portal_login_username
ALTER TABLE `api_token` ADD `token_auth_salt` varchar(255)Skipping section #IfNotColumnType uuid_registry uuid binary(16)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnTypeDefault patient_data uuid binary(16) NULL
CREATE TABLE `uuid_registry` ( `uuid` binary(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `table_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `created` timestamp NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`)) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfNotColumnTypeDefault insurance_data subscriber_DOB date NULL
SET @currentSQLMode = (SELECT @@sql_mode)Skipping section #IfRow insurance_data date 0000-00-00
SET sql_mode = @currentSQLModeSkipping section #IfNotColumnType form_bronchitis user varchar(50)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_bronchitis groupname varchar(50)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType form_bronchitis bronchitis_ops_fever text
DELETE FROM `globals` WHERE `gl_name`='font-size'Skipping section #IfDocumentNamingNeeded
CREATE TABLE `api_log` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `patient_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `ip_address` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `method` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `request` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `request_url` text, `request_body` longtext, `response` longtext, `encrypted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `created_time` timestamp NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDBSkipping section #IfNotColumnTypeDefault form_prior_auth date datetime NULL
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn form_prior_auth date_from
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn form_prior_auth date_to
ALTER TABLE `documents` ADD `deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'Skipping section #IfNotColumnType oauth_clients client_id varchar(80)
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType oauth_clients client_secret text
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType oauth_clients registration_token varchar(80)
ALTER TABLE `api_token` DROP COLUMN `token_auth`Skipping section #IfColumn api_token user_role
Skipping section #IfColumn oauth_trusted_user user_role
ALTER TABLE `oauth_clients` ADD `logout_redirect_uris` textProcessing 6_0_0-to-6_1_0_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `insurance_companies` ADD `uuid` binary(16) DEFAULT NULLSkipping section #IfMissingColumn x12_partners x12_gs03
ALTER TABLE `x12_partners` ADD COLUMN `x12_submitter_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULLSkipping section #IfColumn form_clinical_notes followup_timing
CREATE TABLE `form_clinical_notes` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `date` DATE DEFAULT NULL, `pid` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `encounter` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `user` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `groupname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `authorized` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `activity` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `codetext` text, `description` text, `external_id` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL, `clinical_notes_type` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfRowIsNull patient_history history_type_key
ALTER TABLE `patient_data` ADD COLUMN `name_history` TINYTEXTSkipping section #IfNotIndex sct_description idx_concept_id
Skipping section #IfNotIndex sct2_description idx_concept_id
INSERT INTO `supported_external_dataloads` (`load_type`, `load_source`, `load_release_date`, `load_filename`, `load_checksum`) VALUES('ICD10', 'CMS', '2021-10-01', '2022-Code', '11d1d725c84e55d52ef6633da88aa137')Start Layouts Edit Options Add DAP update.
Setting new edit options birth_fname to ["DAP"]Layout Edit Options Add DAP done.
Start Layouts Edit Options Add K update.
Setting new edit options name_history to ["EP","DAP","K"]Layout Edit Options Add K done.
Start Layouts Edit Options Add EP update.
Setting new edit options care_team_facility to ["EP"]Layout Edit Options Add EP done.
Skipping section #IfTable onsite_activity_view
CREATE TABLE `verify_email` (`id` bigint NOT NULL auto_increment,`pid_holder` bigint DEFAULT NULL,`email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`language` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,`fname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`mname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`lname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,`dob` date DEFAULT NULL,`token_onetime` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,`active` tinyint NOT NULL default 1,PRIMARY KEY (`id`),UNIQUE KEY (`email`)) ENGINE=InnoDBProcessing 6_1_0-to-7_0_0_upgrade.sql...
SET @group_id = (SELECT `group_id` FROM layout_options WHERE field_id='allow_patient_portal' AND form_id='DEM')Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id ecqm_2021_reporting
INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`) VALUES ('lists','ecqm_2022_reporting','eCQM 2022 Performance Period',0,1,0)Start Layouts Edit Options remove C update.
Setting new edit options street_line_2 to []Layout Edit Options remove C done.
Start Layouts Edit Options add U update.
Setting new edit options city to ["U"]Layout Edit Options add U done.
Skipping section #IfNotRow3D list_options list_id language option_id malay notes ms
ALTER TABLE `form_encounter` ADD `date_end` DATETIME DEFAULT NULLSkipping section #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id Plan_of_Care_Type option_id medication
INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`) VALUES ('issue_subtypes','assessment','Assessment',20)Skipping section #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id Plan_of_Care_Type option_id intervention
CREATE TABLE `valueset_oid` ( `nqf_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `code` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `code_system` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `code_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `valueset` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `valueset_name` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`nqf_code`,`code`,`valueset`)) ENGINE=InnoDBStart Layouts Edit Options add J update.
Setting new edit options additional_addresses to ["J"]Layout Edit Options add J done.
Start Layouts Edit Options add SP update.
Setting new edit options additional_addresses to ["J","SP"]Layout Edit Options add SP done.
Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id drug_interval option_id WK
Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id drug_interval option_id MO
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title,seq,is_default,activity) VALUES ('drug_interval','19','Weekly',19,0,1)Start Layouts Edit Options remove K update.
Setting new edit options name_history to ["EP","DAP"]Layout Edit Options remove K done.
Processing 7_0_0-to-7_0_1_upgrade.sql...
CREATE TABLE `questionnaire_repository` ( `id` bigint(21) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uuid` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, `questionnaire_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `provider` int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, `version` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `created_date` datetime DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `modified_date` datetime DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Questionnaire', `profile` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `active` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `status` varchar(31) DEFAULT NULL, `source_url` text, `code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `code_display` text, `questionnaire` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `uuid` (`uuid`), KEY `search` (`name`,`questionnaire_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDBSkipping section #IfMissingColumn questionnaire_response response_id
ALTER TABLE `questionnaire_repository` ADD `lform` LONGTEXTConverting empty vital dates.
Completed conversion of empty vital dates
UPDATE `categories` SET `aco_spec` = 'patients|demo' WHERE `name` = 'Patient Information'Skipping section #IfRow2D globals gl_name login_page_layout gl_value center
Skipping section #IfRow2D globals gl_name login_page_layout gl_value left
Skipping section #IfRow2D globals gl_name login_page_layout gl_value right
ALTER TABLE `ar_activity` ADD `payer_claim_number` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULLProcessing 7_0_1-to-7_0_2_upgrade.sql...
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pma_bookmark`Skipping section #IfRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id Nationality_and_Country
Skipping section #IfRow list_options list_id Nationality_and_Country
CREATE TABLE `edi_sequences` ( `id` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL default '0') ENGINE=InnoDBProcessing 7_0_2-to-7_0_3_upgrade.sql...
ALTER TABLE `form_encounter` ADD `last_update` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMPSkipping section #IfNotIndex sct2_description idx_term
Updating UUIDs (this could take some time)
Updated UUIDs: added 1 uuids to facility, added 3 uuids to form_encounter, added 3 uuids to form_vitals, added 3 uuids to history_data, added 1 uuids to insurance_companies, added 9 uuids to insurance_data, added 9 uuids to lists, added 11 uuids to openemr_postcalendar_events, added 3 uuids to patient_data, added 1 uuids to prescriptions, added 9 uuids to users, added 85 uuids to uuid_mapping, added 1 uuids to uuid_registry
Updating global configuration defaults...
Updating Access Controls...
Updating version indicators...
Database and Access Control upgrade finished.