Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | ||||||||||||
id | BIGINT | 19 | √ | null |
Primary identifier of the record |
date | DATETIME | 19 | √ | NULL |
Date the issue was created |
type | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
The type of the issue (allergy, medication, etc) where the issue_types.category=‘default’ |
title | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
The human readable description of the issue |
begdate | DATETIME | 19 | √ | NULL |
The beginning date for when this issue occurred as reported by the patient or the provider |
enddate | DATETIME | 19 | √ | NULL |
The end date for when this issue occurred as reported by the patient or the provider |
returndate | DATE | 10 | √ | NULL |
UNUSED - will be removed in the future |
occurrence | INT | 10 | √ | 0 |
Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘occurrence’ and is the frequency that this issue occurs for the patient |
classification | INT | 10 | √ | 0 |
UNUSED - will be removed in the future |
referredby | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
The human readable name of Referring physician and practice |
extrainfo | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
UNUSED - will be removed in the future |
diagnosis | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
The diagnosis of the issue. Format is a text string in the format of ‘system:code;system:code2;system:coden’ |
activity | TINYINT | 3 | √ | NULL |
Value of 0 means the record has been deleted, 1 means the record is active in the system |
comments | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | √ | NULL |
Human readable additional notes/comments of the issue |
pid | BIGINT | 19 | √ | NULL |
The internal patient identifier |
user | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
The user that created or last updated this issue |
groupname | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
The user group that created or last updated this issue |
outcome | INT | 10 | 0 |
Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘outcome’ and represents the outcome of the issue |
destination | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
Human readable name of GP, Secondary care specialist, etc. |
reinjury_id | BIGINT | 19 | 0 |
UNUSED - will be removed in the future |
injury_part | VARCHAR | 31 | '' |
UNUSED - will be removed in the future |
injury_type | VARCHAR | 31 | '' |
UNUSED - will be removed in the future |
injury_grade | VARCHAR | 31 | '' |
UNUSED - will be removed in the future |
reaction | VARCHAR | 255 | '' |
Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘reaction’ and represents the reaction of the patient to the allergy |
external_allergyid | INT | 10 | √ | NULL |
An identifier for an allergy from an external eRx system |
erx_source | enum('0', '1') | 1 | '0' |
O if the allergy issue originated in OpenEMR, 1 if the allergy issue originated in an external system |
erx_uploaded | enum('0', '1') | 1 | '0' |
O if allergy is still waiting to be uploaded to an external system (such as eRX), 1 if the allergy issue has been successfully received by the eRX system |
modifydate | TIMESTAMP | 19 | current_timestamp() |
The date the issue record was last modified |
severity_al | VARCHAR | 50 | √ | NULL |
Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘severity_ccda’ and represents the severity of the allergic reaction of the patient to the allergy |
external_id | VARCHAR | 20 | √ | NULL |
UNUSED - will be removed in the future |
subtype | VARCHAR | 31 | '' |
The sub type of the issue where the list_options.list_id=‘issue_subtypes’ |
list_option_id | VARCHAR | 100 | √ | NULL |
Comes from the list_options.list_id=CONCAT(lists.type,‘_issue_list’) and represents the prefilled list option id that was chosen as a template to create this issue |
uuid | BINARY | 16 | √ | NULL |
UUID of the record |
verification | VARCHAR | 36 | '' |
Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘allergyintolerance-verification’ and represents the confirmation status of the allergy |
udi | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
The unique device identifier. Populated if the issue is of type medical_device |
udi_data | MEDIUMTEXT | 16777215 | √ | NULL |
The JSON serialized medical device as returned from the api. Populated if the issue is of type medical_device |